Chris Powers - V20C

I’m a 55 year old and have been cycling since my early teens.  For 30+ years, it was always upright bikes, but after some issues, I needed to switch to recumbents.  I loved recapturing the enjoyment I had missed, but was surprised how there just didn’t seem to be the services that I had always been able to take advantage of when I had a “regular” bike.  There wasn’t someone who could advise me on a “bike” fit, no one who could really work with me on equipment, positioning, even just options in general as far as what might improve my overall cycling performance and comfort.  I’d looked around and asked around and had found a few articles and such, but no one to really talk with and understand the “why” and know that this expert knows what he’s saying…

Well, let me tell you, my prayers were answered when I happened to meet Larry!  He welcomed me to his home / office (the amazing Cruzbike Museum) and honestly, it was a combination of being a kind in a candy store and just amazed at what was in front of me.  Here’s someone who really understands not just cycling, not just recumbents, but Cruzbikes.  You see it as you walk around the room (museum).  I’ve been in many-a-bike shop, all across the US and I can honestly say, this is one I was just utterly amazed at.  Not just the selection, but the history and the understanding of what makes a Cruzbike special.

Larry worked with me on a few things, my setup / positioning on the V20c that I had and then went into detail on changes that he recommended.  I never felt like I was being steered into one direction or a change for change’s sake. There was a reason and description and it was as if Larry could read my face and know if I needed more detail or had questions.  We talked about shorter crank arms (a concept I had heard about prior but hadn’t really been a fan of because I just hadn’t really understood the benefit) so he patiently talked me through how and why it’d work for my advantage.

There’s a saying that you don’t want to meet your heroes, well, when you see the jersey’s hanging on the wall from the races that he’s been in, accomplishments he’s had, you’ll understand, he’s hero material for sure, and I consider myself so fortunate.  And not only did I meet him, I got to ride with him.  I hope I’ll be one of the few who will say, I’ve crashed with him too.  Had a bit of a side and he was right there, again, helpful, calm, and just the guy you’d want to know when you need someone.  So, that saying just isn’t true when it comes to Larry.

So, if you have an interest in getting a Cruzbike, or you’re like me, you have one but you want to improve your riding, give Larry a call.  You won’t regret it!

Chris Powers

Roswell, GA

Cruzbike V20c

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If you called and he didn't answer - he's probably riding - but as soon as he's done he'll call you back!